River Road Ramble

by Jan 21, 2022Uncategorized

River Road Rample

Max and Karin Allers and Don Gettinger took part in the River Road Ramble on Saturday, September 26. The River Road was originally built in 1830, and is a beautifully scenic drive from St. Croix Falls to Grantsburg, Wisconsin, running largely through the Wisconsin side of the Wild River State Park. This was the 15th running of the event, put on by Russ Hanson,a classmate of Don’s from college days. It’s always the last Saturday in September, and this year that coincided perfectly with maximum tree color. Along the 30-mile loop are about 20 potential stops at various farms, civic/church organizations, and businesses for an annual “garage sale/yard sale”. First stop on the trip for us was at the Wolf Creek Bar and Grille, which holds a car show in conjunction with the event. About 40 cars were entered, including three Corvettes, and several 70’s muscle cars, as well as classic trucks. We’d never seen a Fargo Pick-up truck before! Lots of fun cars, and a relaxed atmosphere. Sign on the back door of the bar: “No horses past this point”!
On down the road, we stopped at Russ’ family farm where we picked up some of his home-made wild plum jam and maple syrup that he makes himself from trees on the property, and boils using wood-fired boilers. Next stop was an amazing collection of vehicles and memorabilia, open just once a year to the general public. Included were 400+ vintage snowmobiles, several steam-powered tractors, and dozens of vehicles in various conditions as well as boats, trailers, motors, and many other items. About a half-dozen of the perhaps 20 buildings on the property were open for inspection.
Heading south, we drove past the Wreck A Mended auto repair facility, and “dummies” auto shop, with perhaps 30 demolition derby vehicles on the property in the village of Cushing. Continuing on we passed the St. Croix Chateau Winery with their annual fair also occuring, and crossed back into Minnesota at Taylor’s Falls. Lunch was at the Scandia Meister’s, where we have ended some COM activities in the past.
Look for the River Road to be used in one of our future Road Rallyes or Cruise events, or perhaps we’ll be able to match the date of the River Road Ramble to a club outing, including stopping at the car show. All nicely paved roads, so no problem for Corvettes. This was the first time for any of us on the Ramble, but it could easily become an annual event.
Don Gettinger

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