These are a few adventures and articles by club members.
Top Car Movies
Top Car Movies - I distributed a list that grew to 81 entries for "Top Car Movies", or top auto racing/car/motorcycle movies to a number of COM members and friends, and asked them to select their Top Ten (or fewer) movies, using whatever criteria they wanted....
Family reunion trip on our 1999 roadster
Family Reunion Trip July 28th, 2022 Heading into Tennessee for our family reunion in Pidgeon Forge/Gatlinburg on the interstate I noticed our transmission temperature was giving me a high temp warning. I slowed down to normal driving speeds, and it did not seem to...
How to prepare your car for an autocross
How to prepare your car for an autocross Want to avoid being "that guy" at the next autocross event—you know, the one who didn't prepare beforehand and got the event shut down because he spilled a bunch of fluid on the course? All you need to do is follow our...
George Haun 50 Years as Treasurer and 60 Year Member
George Haun Honored for Service & Membership Don Gettinger, COM Governor, presented George Haun with a Plaque of Appreciate for being club treasurer for 50+ Years! Geo also mentioned that this coming Fall (of 2023) will be his 60th year of membership. We thank and...
MN State Fair Speedway
MINNESOTA STATE FAIR SPEEDWAY The first motor race took place at the fairgrounds in 1902. As motor racing was taking off the fair board decided it would be a good idea to start motor racing on the pre-existing 1 mile horse track.A few years later and the track would...
ComMangSac History ComMangSac I was held on June 3rd, 1973. The letters stood for "Corvettes Of Minnesota, Minnesota Air National Guard, Super Auto Cross", and was always held on the Minnesota Air National Guard Apron on the north-east corner of the Twin Cities...
River Road Ramble
River Road Rample Max and Karin Allers and Don Gettinger took part in the River Road Ramble on Saturday, September 26. The River Road was originally built in 1830, and is a beautifully scenic drive from St. Croix Falls to Grantsburg, Wisconsin, running largely through...
COM Hare & Hound Rallye
COM Hare & Hound RallyeThe COM "Hare and Hound" rally essentially consisted of trying to follow a route set by the event chairperson, without the benefit of instruction. At each intersection, if the driver made the correct...
COM Gold Cup Rallye
COM Gold Cup RallyThe COM Gold Cup was a TSD (Time/Speed/Distance) rally put on by the club for many years (early 1960's to mid-1990's, I think). A driver/navigator team would attempt to stay on a course following Route Instructions and things called "Main Road...
COTA & Caddies
COTA & CADDIES General Motors has produced some significant performance vehicles, from the muscle cars such as the GTOs and SS396 Chevelles of sixties and early seventies and, of course, the Corvette for over 60 years. Currently, the Corvette remains top dog in...